Young Star Boys Football Club in Senegal
The only free club in Senegal that gives children from very poor families the opportunity to prove themselves in sport. All other football schools in Senegal are paid. In three years, Young Star Boys has become one of the best in Dakar.

  1. Take children off the streets of Dakar who would be forced to beg and give really talented children from very poor families a chance to realize themselves in world sport.
  2. Socialize children by providing them with the opportunity to study at school.
  3. Even if not all of them become professional football players, help them get other decent professions, so they don't go back to the streets and can make a living for themselves.
At the moment, Young Star Boys has its own equipped center where 120 boys train. 40 of them permanently reside in the center. The club trains children of several age groups. All of them go to a regular school.

  • As a result of the selection held on May 26, 2022, 8 Young Star Boys football players immediately made it to the Dakar Region team: 5 players to the Dakar Under-15 team and 3 players to the Under-13 team.
  • June 19, 2022, the Young Star Boys club defeated the strongest junior teams at the regional competitions of the U-13, U-15, U-17 groups in Senegal.
  • Since January 2023, the club has been participating in a series of major league games. And it has already achieved several significant victories, beating the well-known football schools in Senegal.
The club is currently housed in a rented building. In order for young football players to continue to improve and show good results, they need their own football school with a house and a field. The Foundation has developed a project for the construction of a football field and a building for permanent residence of children. Sponsors are being sought.