Providing for 140 Masai children in Kenya
Since 2023, food and other assistance has been periodically provided to 140 Maasai children. The Foundation has purchased shoes, clothes, backpacks and school supplies for them.

  1. Reduce child mortality.
  2. Save children from hunger and disease caused by lack of food and water.
  3. Help preserve Maasai culture.
  4. Help children get an education.
Since 2022, the foundation has been assisting the Maasai Amboseli tribe affected by a 3-year drought.

The Maasai lost almost all of their livestock, which was their main source of food and income. People were forced to drink dirty water, starve, children became very sick, and mortality rates increased. Even the houses that had been built from cow dung almost collapsed.

The Foundation supports Maasai children in very difficult times for their people.